Essay/Term paper: Critical essay on the eagle
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Critical Essay
The name of the poem I am writing about is called "The Eagle" by
Alfred, Lord Tennyson. It is in figurative language form.
The poem is divided into 2 Stanza"s with 3 lines each. And there are an
average of 9 feet a line. The rhyme scheme is every last word in each stanza
Some of the imagery is with sight and sound. For sight they are "Close
to the sun", "Azure world", azure mean the blue color in a clear daytime sky.
"Wrinkled sea beneath", and "mountain walls". The only one that was
imagery of sight & sound was "like a thunderbolt he falls".
The figures of speech are "wrinkled sea", which means the waves in
the ocean. And one simile is "like a thunderbolt he falls", it is saying how
fast a eagle dives.
The poems theme is how an eagle can fly so high and dive so fast.
And how free an eagle is. I thought that this was a nice poem. I like the way
he uses the words. I think the rhyming scheme he used was appropriate,
where every last word rhymed.